In a significant move, the Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad demolished, marking a critical step in the ongoing efforts to address illegal constructions in the city. The center, owned by popular actor Nagarjuna Akkineni, has been under scrutiny for allegations of illegal construction. On August 24, 2024, the Hyderabad Disaster Response and Assets Monitoring and Protection Agency (HYDRAA) initiated the demolition, following claims that the venue encroached upon the Full Tank Level (FTL) area and buffer zone of the Thammidi Kunta Lake.
Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad Demolished
The Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad, located in the Madhapur area and spread across approximately 10 acres, has long been a prime venue for high-profile events, including weddings and corporate functions. However, it faced allegations of encroaching on about 1.12 acres within the FTL and an additional 2 acres in the buffer zone of the lake. This area is crucial as the Thammidi Kunta Lake spans roughly 29.24 acres, and any encroachment poses a significant threat to the environment.
The demolition of the Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad began early Saturday morning, with HYDRAA officials and police ensuring the operation proceeded smoothly. Access to the site was restricted, and media personnel were barred from entering the premises, reflecting the seriousness of the situation.
This demolition is part of a broader initiative by HYDRAA to reclaim public lands and protect water bodies from illegal encroachments. The Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad had been under scrutiny for several years, with local residents and environmental activists raising concerns about its construction practices. These ongoing efforts highlight the city’s commitment to enforcing environmental regulations and ensuring that public lands and water bodies are safeguarded.
The case of the Nagarjuna N Convention Centre in Hyderabad demolished serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to environmental and regulatory compliance, particularly in rapidly growing urban areas like Hyderabad.
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